Jeffrey Ade

Reverence for the Most Blessed Sacrament | The Fatima Center

Attacks Against the Holy Eucharist The Catholic Faith can be attacked by In The Devil’s Final Battle, Father Gruner (one of the contributors …
Jeffrey Ade
@Tina 13 Thanks! First Saturday-Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus!
Tina 13

The Feast of Corpus Christi and the Angel of Portugal | The Fatima Center

“For My flesh is meat indeed: and My blood is drink indeed. He that eateth My flesh, and drinketh My blood, abideth in Me, and …
Greatest antipope of all time practicing homosexual anti pope Paul VI supplanted the holy sacrifice of the mass with the novus odor mass with its false …More
Greatest antipope of all time practicing homosexual anti pope Paul VI supplanted the holy sacrifice of the mass with the novus odor mass with its false bishops and priest hood by their fruits you know them
On St. Joan of Arc, and Saint Therese! Vive Christ Le Roi! Vive Marie la Reine!

The Little-Known St. Thérèse

“A French soldier, defender of the Church and admirer of Joan of Arc.” On October 1, the liturgy of the Church celebrates the memory of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus …
Tina 13
Pray the Rosary, Our Lady asked us too! Join the Living Rosary! Combine your prayers and prepare for battle!
Mese Mariano STORIA DEL SS. ROSARIO E VITA DEL BEATO ALANO DELLA RUPE Sec.. XIV e XV: La decadenza del Rosario e della sua Confraternita e l'avvento del Beato Alano della Rupe op. (p.1°) "Verso la fine …More
Mese Mariano
Sec.. XIV e XV: La decadenza del Rosario e della sua Confraternita e l'avvento del Beato Alano della Rupe op. (p.1°)

"Verso la fine del 1300 si assistette a uno sfiorire delle Confraternite del Rosario e alla recita del Rosario stesso. P. Raimondo Spiazzi O.P. ne offre un’eccellente descrizione: “Ma per la nostra fragilità umana, col passar del tempo la devozione si intiepidì, a tal punto da cadere quasi nel dimenticatoio. Ma la Vergine vegliava e cercò nuovamente di riaccenderla nei cuori dei popoli.
E come ebbe nel Patriarca S. Domenico l'istitutore, così volle che un domenicano tornasse a predicare la benedetta formula di orazione. Questo domenicano fu il Beato Alano, maestro dell'Ordine”.
Alano della Rupe (Alanus de Rupe, Alain de la Roche, Alain Van der Rutze, o in fiammingo Alain Van der Clip), nacque nel 1428 circa, a Plöuer sur Rance, in Bretagna.
Egli apparteneva al nobile Casato De la Roche, il cui Castello …More
Tina 13
Please listen dear Catholic Friends! We need to know this information! God bless you! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

Protect Yourself From EMF Radio, Microwave, Gamma Radiation & Chemical Poisoning

6. Restore Cellular Energy, and 'Prevent' Cell Membrane Damage. To purchase a bottle of Master Peace with Nano Zeolite Z …
Jeffrey Ade shares from HP Y GC
Wonderful sermon! Come Holy Ghost!
Sermon - Holy Ghost, Soul of the Mystical Body - H.E. Fellay - 5/19/24 St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary Society of Saint Pius X Seminary Website: Homepage | St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary Seminary Liturgy …More
Sermon - Holy Ghost, Soul of the Mystical Body - H.E. Fellay - 5/19/24
St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary
Society of Saint Pius X
Seminary Website: Homepage | St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary
Seminary Liturgy information: Livestreaming of the Holy Liturgy
Seminary Bookstore: Store — STAS ORDERS
Free miraculous Medals: medals — STAS ORDERS
If you would like to donate to the Seminary, click here: Donations The Roman missal (Latin / English) for following the liturgies is available from divinum officium:
I know this is long, I was there! What a blessing! If you look closely you will see my little and lovely daughter, Leonie, in the front pew on the left side with her sponsor. This was so incredible, I …More
I know this is long, I was there! What a blessing! If you look closely you will see my little and lovely daughter, Leonie, in the front pew on the left side with her sponsor. This was so incredible, I only hope you will feel also the glory of God and His loving providence He has for you! I will post a few more pictures when I get back home and find my cell phone!
Ivan Tomas
Thank you Jeffrey for sharing this. God bless you and all your beloved ones.More
Thank you Jeffrey for sharing this.
God bless you and all your beloved ones.
English Catholic
@Alex A Try and ask if they have a tech person who could help.
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Study this quick video on the 5G system. It is very informative! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

Weaponized 5G Pulsating Microwaves Caught in the Act While We Are ALL Sleeping!

What is happening The spinning phenomenon of living beings is the phased array effect of remote toroidal fields - https:…
Uwe Gutschmidt shares this
Study this quick video on the 5G system. It is very informative! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Michael Burns
We have a large TLM parish here where I live (FSSP). I have been encouraging the men to become active in order to combat issues like 5G. Currently, we …More
We have a large TLM parish here where I live (FSSP). I have been encouraging the men to become active in order to combat issues like 5G. Currently, we have a handful of people in our parish who are active, but it the vast majority want to talk about beer and cigars at the men's groups and other gatherings. It is a sad state of affairs, especially considering the fact that most of them have children.
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Jeffrey Ade shares from Mary 17
Very important talk by the Carmelites of the Holy Face!
Holy Face Devotion for our time - Carmelites of the Holy Face To purchase this booklet and other items listed in this video and on the Newsletter…More
Holy Face Devotion for our time - Carmelites of the Holy Face
To purchase this booklet and other items listed in this video and on the Newsletter
Send an email to the sisters with a list of items you wish to purchase. They will let you know the total plus postage and the ways you can pay. God bless you.
CONTACT: Carmelites of the Holy Face of Jesus - O.Carm
Great talk with David Dionisi!
A call to find Sister Agnes Sasagawa | FC24 Dallas, TX Please help us spread the saving Message of Our Lady of Fatima. Donate to Our Lady’s Apostolate Today! » Donations | The Fatima CenterMore
A call to find Sister Agnes Sasagawa | FC24 Dallas, TX
Please help us spread the saving Message of Our Lady of Fatima. Donate to Our Lady’s Apostolate Today! » Donations | The Fatima Center
Important reminder from David Dionisi!
Our Lady's Message at Fatima and Akita by David Dionisi | FC24 Dallas, TX On February 9-11, 2024, The Fatima Center hosted a conference in Dallas, Texas focusing on the urgency of Our Lady's words "…More
Our Lady's Message at Fatima and Akita by David Dionisi | FC24 Dallas, TX
On February 9-11, 2024, The Fatima Center hosted a conference in Dallas, Texas focusing on the urgency of Our Lady's words "The Moment Has Come..." Find more videos from this conference:
The Message of Fatima is the ONLY solution to the grave crises facing the Church and the world today. LEARN MORE about Our Lady's Message: » The Fatima Center | Promoting the Full Message of Fatima
Please help us spread the saving Message of Our Lady of Fatima.
Donate to Our Lady’s Apostolate Today! » Donations | The Fatima Center
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Jeffrey Ade
@Credo . I hope so! God bless you!
Credo .
Stay with Fatima!
Christ is King here! Viva!

TIA Easter Greetings 2024

Tradition in Action wishes our Readers a Holy and blessed Easter, Easter Greetings 2024
May Faith by wretched demeanor of age betrayed, neglected arise like Our Redeemer to glory resurrected.More
May Faith by wretched demeanor
of age betrayed, neglected
arise like Our Redeemer
to glory resurrected.
Jeffrey Ade shares from Jeffrey Ade
Good Friday to all Gloria.TV friends!
Christ is King here! The altar of Repose at Immaculate Conception Church!
Sally Dorman
Lisi Sterndorfer
Blessed Triduum!
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Christ is King here! The altar of Repose at Immaculate Conception Church!
Ivan Tomas
It's truly an amazing sermon! Thank you @Jeffrey Ade. Do you have a link to the original, maybe?More
It's truly an amazing sermon!
Thank you @Jeffrey Ade.
Do you have a link to the original, maybe?
Jeffrey Ade shares this
Good Friday to all Gloria.TV friends!
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Falling bridges?
Just found this Catholic website! You'll find very interesting and edifying articles!

Catholic Harbor of Faith and Morals

This week is called the great, the Holy week, because in it the Church commemorates the holiest and the greatest of all the mysteries of our Redemption--"the Institution …
Thank you!
Tina 13
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Fr. James Jackson FSSP ~ Culprit or Patsy?More
Fr. James Jackson FSSP ~ Culprit or Patsy?

Fr. James Jackson FSSP ~ Culprit or Patsy?

On Thursday June 8, 2023 Fr. James Jackson FSSP entered a guilty plea to felony receiving of CSAM (Child Sexual Abuse Material) in a Rhode Island Federal Court …
All Saints
This Thursday is a First Thursday. Pray, offer daily sacrifices and Holy Communions for our priests. The Devil does not go after those who already do …More
This Thursday is a First Thursday. Pray, offer daily sacrifices and Holy Communions for our priests. The Devil does not go after those who already do the Devil’s work. It goes after those who do God’s work. Our priests deserve our every effort towards their personal holiness. They are prayed for every day in my house and especially on First Thursdays.
English Catholic
@Jeffrey Ade Please don't go down this road. He publicly admitted to his crimes. It's hard to believe that sometimes, the supposed good guys do evil …More
@Jeffrey Ade Please don't go down this road. He publicly admitted to his crimes. It's hard to believe that sometimes, the supposed good guys do evil things, but that's life. It happens. We have to deal with it.
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A very edifying and mature video by faithful Catholics!
ADVIERTEN EXORCISTAS Estas son las 2 razones por las cuales se DISPARÓ la actividad demoniaca
Jeffrey Ade shares from Jeffrey Ade
Find this article on this site and read it. This site has excellent articles which will edify and enlighten you! Thank you! God bless you!

Once Again the Sacred Heart Speaks to the Church

The Consecration of Russia When our Lady visited the shepherd children of the Serra at the Cova da Iria near Fatima, Portugal (July 13, 1917), She told …
Find this article on this site and read it. This site has excellent articles which will edify and enlighten you! Thank you!

Once Again the Sacred Heart Speaks to the Church

The Consecration of Russia When our Lady visited the shepherd children of the Serra at the Cova da Iria near Fatima, Portugal (July 13, 1917), She told …
Jeffrey Ade shares this
Find this article on this site and read it. This site has excellent articles which will edify and enlighten you! Thank you! God bless you!
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