20'000 Young Pilgrims in Chartres! Francis' Traditionis Custodes Cannot Stop the Future

Nearly 20,000 pilgrims attended Holy Mass on Pentecost during the legendary pilgrimage of the Roman Rite from Paris to Chartres. This is a record number. The pilgrimage is taking place for the 42nd …More
Nearly 20,000 pilgrims attended Holy Mass on Pentecost during the legendary pilgrimage of the Roman Rite from Paris to Chartres.
This is a record number. The pilgrimage is taking place for the 42nd time. Despite or because of Francis' "Traditionis Custodes", it attracts masses of young Catholics, with an average age of around 21.
The French authorities support the pilgrimage, including with mounted police. C-News, a French television channel, ran several reports on the pilgrims, including a live broadcast of the mass.
Notre-Dame de Chrétienté, the organiser, writes that these broadcasts have reached hundreds of thousands of French people. The Bishop of Nanterre, Mgr. Matthieu Rougé, welcomed the pilgrims and accompanied them as they passed through his diocese.
Cardinal Müller will celebrate the final Mass of the pilgrimage at Chartres Cathedral tomorrow. Below are pictures and videos of this year's pilgrimage, all published by Notre-Dame de Chrétienté.
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Chartres pilgrimage breaks records 🇫🇷
Sean Johnson
Unmentioned, is the fact that this conciliar pilgrimage was erected to contradict and oppose the true SSPX Chartres Pilgrimage, which marches 20k strong in the opposite direction (from Chartres to Paris): Just as modernist Rome erects an insult parish wherever the SSPX is established to lure the superficial away, so to does it establish pilgrimages.
But have no fear: The new branded SSPX no longer …More
Unmentioned, is the fact that this conciliar pilgrimage was erected to contradict and oppose the true SSPX Chartres Pilgrimage, which marches 20k strong in the opposite direction (from Chartres to Paris): Just as modernist Rome erects an insult parish wherever the SSPX is established to lure the superficial away, so to does it establish pilgrimages.

But have no fear: The new branded SSPX no longer harbors such revulsion of conciliarism (which it now equates with Catholicism), and therefore, there’s really no more point to them having their own pilgrimage. In 2-3 years, they’ll want to show Rome that they’re on the same team, and simply merge the two pilgrimages (with the conciliar absorbing the SSPX, just as is happening step by step in the greater church).
'Insult' parish. Good one!😂 No one who is truly concerned with truth should be attending an indult mass.
Naomi Arai
Let’s be honest here, maybe I’d believe something like that a decade ago, but do you honestly believe Rome is going to accept the “Ecclesia Dei” folks much longer, much less the SSPX? You must be dreaming. The times have changed…
Rome intends to cut the cord as soon as it possibly can. They are already backing their own TLMs into a corner and closing all their churches. I’d argue, rather, that …More
Let’s be honest here, maybe I’d believe something like that a decade ago, but do you honestly believe Rome is going to accept the “Ecclesia Dei” folks much longer, much less the SSPX? You must be dreaming. The times have changed…

Rome intends to cut the cord as soon as it possibly can. They are already backing their own TLMs into a corner and closing all their churches. I’d argue, rather, that people go to the SSPX, SSPX-MC, religious orders churches, and “Ecclesia Dei” churches mainly because the TLM is offered and because they can travel there. Not everyone has the luxury of having an option. Also, MANY in these churches are of the beliefs of sedevacantism.
Termites weaved their way into sspx their house is built on lukwarmness if you can allow a known pedo to hold a high position for 20years God help us St Peter Damian pray for us
Echoes of Legion of Christ
Lisi Sterndorfer
@Sean Johnson The SSPX start their pilgrimage only in 1990 to oppose the other side. You just turned the facts around (=gaslighting)
Oliver McCarthy
Falsification of history, unfortunately! The Pixies used to go on the Chartres Pilgrimage. They stopped when they left the Catholic Church. Nobody misses them.
Those who value their souls ignore what comes out of apostate Rome
Hugh N. Cry
Been there done that!
Jan Joseph
De Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerk zal gelukkig binnen vijf tot tien sterven. de organisatie van de Rooms Katholieke kerk komt daardoor gelukkig in de financiële problemen. De gelovigen die het Rooms Katholieke geloof van voor het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie belijden worden al meer dan 50 jaar vervolgd door de organisatie van de Rooms Katholieke kerk, daarom zullen deze gelovigen de organisatie van …More
De Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerk zal gelukkig binnen vijf tot tien sterven. de organisatie van de Rooms Katholieke kerk komt daardoor gelukkig in de financiële problemen. De gelovigen die het Rooms Katholieke geloof van voor het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie belijden worden al meer dan 50 jaar vervolgd door de organisatie van de Rooms Katholieke kerk, daarom zullen deze gelovigen de organisatie van de Rooms Katholieke kerk financieel niet redden. Sterker nog vele priesters zullen in diepe armoede en zonder werk achterblijven.
Deze nieuwe kerk van gelovigen die het Rooms Katholieke geloof van voor het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie belijden zullen snel in aantal groeien en de nieuwe Rooms Katholieke kerk met wijsheid en een diepe geloofsovertuiging besturen